Song parody 'Talk Nerdy to Me' shows why Utah is the nerdiest state

This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Dancing Stormtroopers, a hip-hopping Gandalf and Hogwarts students getting down with their bad selves is just the beginning.

In this great parody of Jason Derulo's "Talk Dirty to Me," YouTube user K-Face Rules crafts some amazingly geeked-out lyrics to the catchy tune.

Some examples from lyricist and rapper Keith Allen (sung by Keith Evans):

"What kind of class do you play, girl, in an RPG?" and "Been to Middle Earth, do you speak my language? Your elf ears don't need explaining."

And for Harry Potter fans: "What's the core of your wand? I think ours match."

And, the one that made my Doctor Who fangirl heart sing: "You name all 12 of the docs, I can't resist that."

There's even shout outs to Salt Lake Comic Con at 1:19 and 1:37.

Many of the costumes were provided by their owners, but Hale Center Theatre in Orem rented a couple of them to the group.

Yes, there's a reason Utah was ranked nerdiest state in the nation recently. Allons-y!

—Sheena McFarland

Twitter: @sheena5427