This is an archived article that was published on in 2009, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Lumpy's Sports Bar, along with 256 other establishments such as Piper Down that serve a full range of alcohol, is relinquishing its private club license and operating as a social club in its two locations, 3000 Highland Dr. and 145 Pierpont Ave. in Salt Lake City.

What changes will I see at Lumpy's (and elsewhere) beginning Wednesday? »You won't have to buy a $16 annual membership fee or temporary fee . You can walk in the door if you're of legal age and buy a drink without any application hassles .

Are bartenders required to pass wine and cocktails to a server, then to the customer? » Not at these establishments.

Must Lumpy's hide alcohol behind a wall or screen, similar to what new restaurants are required to do? » Again, no. This change in the law does not affect clubs.

Will I be able to get a Bloody Mary at brunch? » You sure can. Lumpy's, for instance, opens at 11 a.m. daily and in the fall at 10:30 a.m. on the weekends.

Will Lumpy's, for instance, be hiring more bouncers to check IDs? » No. It's actually reducing hours for the door people because it no longer has to check to see if customers have club memberships.

I've been hearing about Age Verification Devices. What are these and what information do they read? » It's a portable device that allows clubs to scan customer driver licenses if they look younger than 35. Some devices also can record IDs of people already in the bar so no one can pass those IDs around.

Will Lumpy's be offering a happy hour discount on drinks? » That's still against the law in Utah.

If I want to pop in for a glass of wine, say before or after seeing a show, will I be required to purchase food? »No.

Will minors be allowed in social clubs? » Minors weren't allowed before the change in the club law and still can't come into any social club.

-- Dawn House