This is an archived article that was published on in 2002, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
In one hand, Margaret Nadauld held up a glass and silver Olympic torch used in the just-completed Winter Games in Salt Lake City. In the other was a red and black torch of the LDS Church's Young Women's organization.
while the Young Women's torch symbolizes "the light of the gospel which . . . had its beginning in heaven before you were born," Nadauld told thousands of young Mormon women meeting in the Conference Center in downtown Salt Lake City on Saturday evening.
"The divine light which you carry within your soul is inherited from God because you are his daughter," Nadauld said. "Part of the light which makes you so magnificent is the blessing of womanhood."
Such Olympic allusions were sprinkled generously throughout Saturday's sermons aimed at girls between 12 and 18 who are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Nadauld, general president of the church's Young Women's organization, urged the girls to avoid bad language, harmful magazines and movies and immodest dress.
"Tonight I'd just like to talk to you about the advantages of being good," she said. "That kind of young woman who can be a terrific torchbearer has high standards all the time, not just in her prom dress, but every, ordinary day."
Carol B. Thomas, first counselor in the Young Women's presidency, told the girls they are "on the Lord's team and he will always be there to help us bring home the gold."
Sharon G. Larsen, second counselor, described ways to bring holiness to ordinary spaces.
"When you spend an afternoon with small children so a tired mother can rest, when you do the dishes for your brother even though it's his turn, when you clean house for an elderly friend, these things bring feelings of selflessness and sacrifice and holiness," Larsen said.
Prayer, too, provides a "great wealth of intelligence and guidance and safety," she said. "This keeps your minds firm and steadfast in holy places as you walk the halls at school or shop for clothing or surf the Internet."
The concluding speaker was President Thomas S. Monson, first counselor in the church's governing First Presidency, who offered a formula for a successful life: an attitude of gratitude, a longing for learning, a devotion to discipline and a willingness to work.
"There will come into every life moments of despair and the need for direction from a divine source -- even an unspoken plea for help," Monson said. "With all my heart and soul I testify to you that our Heavenly Father loves you, is mindful of you and will not abandon you."