This is an archived article that was published on in 2010, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Our clueless ex-Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson embarrasses our state and city again.

He just organized a protest to a book signing by former president George W. Bush ("Protesters brand Bush 'war criminal,'" Tribune, Nov. 20).

After the Salt Lake Convention and Visitors Bureau worked for years to attract the annual meetings of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (in 2005) and the American Legion (in 2006), Mayor Rocky helped organize and then joined the protests against Bush, who was the keynote speaker for both events.

Rocky's sole role should have been to welcome each group to our wonderful area. Period. Instead, he sours both events with his inane prejudices and protests. The convention bureau will have a hard time luring either group back.

Rocky, your time is up. Your place is somewhere far away. Your manners are suspect.

T.G. "Bud" Mahas

Salt Lake City