This is an archived article that was published on in 2009, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Steve DeDen teaches fourth grade at West Valley Elementary, and loves seeing the magical moment when his students finally understand what he has been teaching them. He also works part-time at FedEx Ground, and adds more hours during the summer. When he's not working, DeDen likes spending time with his children, and coaches many of their sports teams. He is the president of Bountiful Bonnett Ball, a girls' fast-pitch softball league, and also coaches. He also leads his son's Cub Scout troop.

DeDen is a Disney history buff, and collects books, movies and soundtracks, which he keeps sorted in chronological order. While working at the Disney Store in Salt Lake City several years ago, he made it to the nationals of the Disney Store Trivia Competition four times, with a high finish of third.

DeDen likes living in Woods Cross because it's close to the city, but still maintains its small-town feel. His only dislike is the mosquitoes in the summer.

DeDen is concerned about the lack of baseball and softball diamonds in southern Davis County, and feels there is a pressing need for more diamonds with better facilities.

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