This is an archived article that was published on in 2009, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

This is an unconventional hike. There are no designated trails and your GPS will not work inside the narrow slot canyons.

But the Fiery Furnace has a plethora of red rock fins, towers, spires and even a few arches. And Fiery Furnace is great for exploring in narrow canyons and up and down boulders and rock walls.

It's recommended you go on a ranger-guided tour, so you don't get lost. These tours last 2 1/2 to three hours and cover about 2 miles, have little elevation change and require moderate hiking ability to navigate the terrain. You can hike Fiery Furnace on your own, but you will need to be careful not to get lost. Pay attention to landmarks and know your cardinal directions.

Regardless of how you visit Fiery Furnace, you will need to go to the Arches National Park Visitors Center to make a reservation. The Park Service limits the number of people allowed per day in Fiery Furnace and requires everyone to watch an introductory video before receiving a permit.

From the Arches National Park Visitors Center on U.S. Highway 191, follow the park's main road north about 16 miles. Signs will take you to Fiery Furnace.

$10 per adult and $5 per child; there also is a park entrance fee of $10 per vehicle

Fiery Furnace

Hiking time » 3 hours

Round trip miles » 2 miles

Elevation gain » Minimal

Difficulty » Moderate

Trail head restrooms » Yes

Dogs allowed » No

Bikes allowed » No