This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The LDS Church soon will hand out a history of the faith's all-women Relief Society organization to, well, all LDS women.The 208-page book, Daughters in My Kingdom: The History and Work of Relief Society, will be distributed free this week to female members of the Utah-based Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from Ghana to Georgia, Tonga to Texas, Norway to New York.It was approved by the church's all-male First Presidency and organized by themes such as family, sisterhood and charity, with each chapter telling stories of Mormon women in history as well as today. It was designed "to be user-friendly for an audience that may not read much," according to a news release, with photos and art on every page."We needed something that would have global application and be applicable into the future, something that would appeal across cultures and languages," General Relief Society President Julie Beck said in the release. "So it needed to be more message based rather than a typical chronological historian's history."Daughters in My Kingdom was written by Susan W. Tanner, a former president of the church's Young Women's program who is now serving a mission in Brazil with her husband.Though Tanner drew on historical research done by others, she did not intend her book to be an exhaustive account of the Relief Society."We've had stories written for the historians. We've had stories written for the scholars. We've had stories written for the press," Beck said. "But we've never had the story written for the women themselves."Leaders thus hope that every Mormon woman in the 14 million-member church will find something she can relate to in this volume.Peggy Fletcher Stack