This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Another win, another move up in the polls.

The Utes moved up one spot from last week after a dramatic 24-21 win over USC Saturday night in both the AP and Amway Coaches Polls, to No. 18 overall. The Utes, bowl eligible with a 6-1 record, head to Tempe next week for a crucial Pac-12 South matchup with No. 15 Arizona State.

Pac-12 teams joining Utah in the AP Top 25 are Oregon (No.5), Arizona (No. 14), Arizona State (No. 15) and UCLA (No.25). In the Coaches Poll, Oregon (No. 6), Arizona State (No. 14), Arizona (No.15) and UCLA (No. 25).

Twitter: @BrennanJSmith