This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Welcome to Weekend Rewind, a glance back at The Tribune's best news stories, top photos and opinions you may have missed from Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

Top stories this past weekend

Utahn of the Year: Police Chief Chris Burbank • Salt Lake City top cop's stature as a community leader, including a willingness to endure threats and criticism over his position on immigration enforcement, is noteworthy at a time of ebbing confidence in those elected to govern. •

Stopping an adoption: In Utah, unwed fathers rarely win • When Ramsey Shaud learned his former girlfriend was pregnant, he quickly moved to protect his rights to the child. But Utah, unlike most states with registries aimed at unmarried fathers, doesn't make a form or directions on how to proceed easily available. (First of four parts.) •


Would-be dad says misplaced trust cost him his son (Part 2) •

Would Jesus occupy? Religious community divided • Would Jesus occupy Wall Street? Early this month, the Rev. Tom Goldsmith, of Salt Lake City's First Unitarian Church, explored the question with his congregation, describing Wall Street as "a symbol of financial interests run amok." "The Occupy movement's agenda runs parallel with the religious mandate to create a just society," Goldsmith said. •

Mormon president comfort level • A Salt Lake Tribune poll of voters nationally show that a solid majority would be comfortable voting for a Mormon presidential candidate. About one in four voters, though, expressed discomfort with the idea. The number one reason for those with reservations? Polygamy. •

Polygamy remains PR problem for LDS Church • Well over a century after the Mormon church abandoned the practice, polygamy remains embedded in the image of the faith for a significant number of Americans. The sticking power of the polygamous stereotype may be due to the lack of any other powerful attribute rising up to replace it in the public view. •

Beer tax bender. Utah collects millions every year in taxes on beer sales and doles it out to local governments to be used for fighting drunken driving and other alcohol-related problems. But hundreds of thousands of dollars may be going for purposes never intended — and not allowed — under state law. •

Utah's afterschool programs growing but so is need • A growing number of students enrolls in afterschool programs across the state. In 2008, the Utah Afterschool Network set a goal of doubling enrollment in afterschool programs by 2012. Now, with the new year fast approaching, it looks as though the group may have met its goal, working with more than 200 programs across the state, compared with fewer than 100 several years ago. •

Stage set for Capitol Theatre upgrade, new ballet academy • A renovation of Capitol Theatre, conjoined by a stunning Ballet West Academy building, has completed all its rehearsals before planners and politicians. The $33.3 million project now is ready for prime time. •

Leading the choir, no matter what • Before metal rods were inserted in her arms, Louise Degn liked to bring her LDS ward choir to its final note with a strong, upbeat flourish. Now Degn must settle for using her baton in downward motion as a more subtle punctuation, with her arms lifted only halfway to her shoulders. But she can still conduct the choir's traditional Christmas program Sunday, accompanied by a full orchestra, at the east side Salt Lake City chapel. •

Bill seeks to stop judge shopping • Legislation that would prevent payday lenders from having sole discretion which court to file a collection action in. The practice is seen by some as an abuse of the system that sometimes requires low-income defendants to travel long distances to have their day in court. •

Other news of interest

Police: Man stabbed repeatedly but didn't notice for hours •

NFL: Ex-Ute Mike McCoy walks sideline with Broncos' Tim Tebow •

Four charged in West Valley robbery plot that ended in murder •

1-year-old child dies from injuries in Christmas Eve Crash that hospitalized one family. •

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder's scheduled visit to Utah next month is matter of controversy for some. •

Salt Lake County Auditor loses his court fight in power struggle with the mayor and council, but vows to fight on.

Columns and opinions

Yes, Virginia: There is a Santa Claus •

LDS need tutorial in Democratic ideals •

Christmas sampler: Thoughts for the season •

George Pyle: A modern media train wreck •

End bickering over Utah church-state issues •

Kennecott's dust: New lawsuit may provide answers •