This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Poll: Matheson leads all challengers. Romney tops in N.H. Huntsman serves dinner in Utah.

Happy Tuesday. Some must-see numbers out of the Deseret News poll: Rep. Jim Matheson leads all Republicans and Reps. Stephen Sandstrom and Carl Wimmer are close for the GOP nod. [DNews]

Robert Gehrke analysis, via Twitter: "Interesting stuff out of the DNews-KSL poll today. Matheson 50+ against all Republicans in the 4th. Net negative opinion of Wimmer. ... Also floor seems to be 35% (where little known Jay Cobb is) but Wimmer/Sandstrom don't the needle much. Low 'undecided' surprising."

Topping the news: Mitt Romney leads New Hampshire by double digits as Jon Huntsman drops behind Rep. Ron Paul — again. [LATimes]

-> Continuing a long tradition, Huntsman serves Christmas dinner to the homeless in SLC. [KUTV] [Fox13] [ABC4]

-> State Sen. Ben McAdams wants to take on payday lenders and make them file future legal cases in courts where loans originate. [Trib]

-> Some of Utah's cities and towns are spending the proceeds from the state's beer tax on causes that don't have anything related to preventing or prosecuting alcohol offenses. [Trib]

Today's news: Utah Policy insiders suggest their Near Year's resolutions. [UtahPolicy]

-> 2012 may be the end of the year for the Mayan calendar, but for SLC, it's just the start. [Trib]

-> A federal suit out of northern Utah could alter range management. [Trib]

-> Bryan Schott and Bob Bernick continue their countdown of the top political stories of the year with No. 4: Rep. Jason Chaffetz not challenging Sen. Orrin Hatch. [UtahPolicy]

Tweet of the day: From @RealClearScott: "Here's what actually happens on #iacaucus night. Red-white-and-blue sequined shoe boxes!"

Flashback: How well did you pay attention to the news this year? Take a test on political happenings of 2011 and let us know how you do. [MiamiHerald]

Opinion section: The Utah Association of Counties takes on The Tribune over RS2477 roads. [Trib]

-> A Sandy bagpiper offers a fun take on why horse-drawn carriages are good for the horses. [Trib]

-> George Pyle looks back at some sad journalism problems this year. [Trib]

-> Pat Bagley suggests one item Santa doesn't want. [Trib]

-> Paul Rolly says if Republicans don't nominate Romney, there could be a backlash by Mormon Republicans. [Trib]

-> Government and God can co-exist, says a West Valley City author. [Trib]

-> A retired Foreign Service officer says the LDS Church needs to be more inclusive to Democrats. [Trib]

-> Connor Boyack challenges the Daily Herald on its editorial about Highland's food freedom ordinance. [Herald]

-> LaVarr Webb and Frank Pignanelli offer their take on what Utah politicians really wanted from Santa. [DNews]

-> A fascinating take from ex-Sen. Bob Bennett on why Newt Gingrich is wrong about trying to impeach judges for unpopular decisions. [DNews]

-> Tribune managing editor Terry Orme looks back at what 2011 brought and what 2012 might bring. [Trib]

2012 watch: Newt Gingrich's rise has opened up the field — for Romney. [TPM]

-> The New York Times takes a deep look at Romney's time at Harvard, where he got a business degree and law degree in four years. [NYTimes]

-> If Ron Paul wins Iowa, it could be a free-for-all headed into New Hampshire and the rest of the contests. [DailyCaller]

-> Huntsman has faced PolitiFact's Truth-o-meter 15 times and only received one "pants on fire rating." [PolitiFact]

-> Romney: It's all about the economy, voters. [NYTimes] [WaTimes]

-> High Country News columnist says Huntsman is the best-qualified Republican candidate. [HCN]

-> Mike Huckabee, who bested Romney four years ago in Iowa, says his former opponent could win the Hawkeye State. [NYPost]

-> Speakers at a forum on faith all agree, there's still a "Mormon problem" that Romney will face. [KYPost]

-> George H.W. Bush endorses Romney. [Globe]

Weekend in review: The Tribune names SLC Police Chief Chris Burbank as its Utahn of the Year. [Trib]

-> ABC4 recounts its top 2011 stories. [ABC4]

-> Bagley looks back at headlines from 1911. [Trib]

-> "Nerd" has become the new word in Congress — with Rep. Jason Chaffetz using it twice recently. [TheHill]

-> Salt Lake City is considering a new rule to allow billboards to be converted into electronic signs as long as another billboard is taken down. [DNews]

-> A state lawmaker wants to take Utah off the daylight savings clock switch. [DNews]

-> Occupy protesters lay out their 2012 plans: be loud and unavoidable. [Trib]

-> Capitol Theatre will be renovated soon to expand the downtown performance hall. [Trib]

-> EnergySolutions has won a three-month extension on the Moab tailings removal project while the federal government ways its protest over a lost bid. [Trib]

-> A City Weekly writer offers a colorful take on attending a Christmas party at the Governor's Mansion. [CityWeekly]

-> In Utah, unwed fathers rarely win in attempts to stop adoptions. (The first of four parts). [Trib]-> And in part two, a would-be dad says misplaced trust cost him his son. [Trib]-> Would Jesus occupy? The religious community is divided. [Trib]-> A Salt Lake Tribune poll of voters nationally show that a solid majority would be comfortable voting for a Mormon presidential candidate. About one in four voters, though, expressed discomfort with the idea. [Trib]-> Polygamy — cited as the No. 1 concern for those would said they would be uncomfortable voting for a Mormon for president — remains PR problem for the church. [Trib]

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— Thomas