This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Kudos to The Tribune for choosing Salt Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank as the 2011 Utahn of the year. In a year when Utah produced a top NBA draft pick and a presidential candidate, it would be easy to bow to popular opinion and select someone who is more well-known nationally.

However, with its choice, The Tribune has reminded us that we are in dire need of more leaders like Burbank — leaders who engage in thoughtful dialogue with all members of the community, openly listen to all perspectives, accept responsibility for their actions and consistently adhere to principle.

In a year dominated by spotlight-seeking politicians, deaf to opposing arguments and bent on pushing forward extremist agendas (and I'm talking about politicians on both sides of the party line), Burbank's leadership is both refreshing and instructive. Even those who disagree with his views would be hard-pressed to offer up any legitimate critiques of the skilled way in which he handles difficult and sensitive situations.

My dream headline for 2012: Burbank announces candidacy for governor, Salt Lake City mayor or even president of the University of Utah.

Bryce Bunting
