This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Former two-term Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson will not run for his old seat at City Hall in 2015.
Although he had batted the notion around last month, Anderson said he has determined not to run against incumbent Mayor Ralph Becker, who is seeking a third term.
City Councilman Luke Garrott has said he will run against Becker.
Former state lawmaker Jackie Biskupski is still weighing whether she will run for the mayor's post, but told Utahpolicy that she "likely" will make a bid.
Anderson had earlier said he would only get in the race if he could guarantee resolution of earlier commitments that would free him to conduct a year-long political campaign.
Recently, Anderson has returned to the legal arena, where he represents, among others, the owner of a two-year-old Weimaraner named Geist that was shot dead by Salt Lake City police earlier this year. Anderson also represents Yellow Cab in various negotiations with Salt Lake City, including regulations for ride share companies.
In a statement, Anderson said that many of his accomplishments as mayor including progressive changes in the police department, activism regarding international and human rights, vigorous fights against development sprawl and a successful international Jazz Festival have "gone the way of the Hoberman Arch."
"Although I consider Mayor Becker to be a friend and a nice guy, it's time for new, passionate, effective leadership to revive so much that has been dying on the vine," Anderson said.
"I thought long and hard about running, but I have major commitments to important cases and causes about which I have tremendous passion, including the restoration of the rule of law and democracy in our nation, and supporting the fundamentals of our constitutional republic. I believe that is my highest calling is and it is where I will be primarily devoting my time and energy."