This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
It now looks like Warren Jeffs and presidential candidate Rick Santorum have something in common as well: Opposition to contraception.
From Jeffs' latest purported revelations from God, written in his Texas prison cell, then copied by his followers and sent out to thousands of governments and libraries all over the country: "Contraceptive way of limiting ability to bring forth children is unholy way."
Santorum has said "artificial birth control" is "harmful" to women and society. Watch here
In the case of Jeffs, the contraception talk may also be aimed at his Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints followers. I've heard there may be more demand for such products since he told people to stop having sex, even with their spouses, last year.
Jeffs also doesn't look like a big fan of gay marriage, talking up the "pure way of family dwelling ... of marrying only one woman to one man."
(That's except, of course, for the "holy men" who can be united with many "holy wives," as he explains.)
- For the first time I'm aware of, Jeffs mentions by name Rebecca Musser, née Becky Wall, who testified during his sexual assault of a child trial in Texas, accusing her of lying.
- Jeffs says men and women should be seperated in school, gatherings, even during childbirth, when only a midwife should be present.
- Jesus had many wives.
Read the newest revelations here and check out the big Warren Jeffs revelations calender here.