This is an archived article that was published on in 2015, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Poll: Republicans want to see Romney, Bush run. Lockhart remembered as 'Utah's Iron Lady.' Memorial scheduled for Friday.
It's Tuesday. A new CBS poll says a majority of Republicans would like to see Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush run for the White House, while they are less excited about other candidates like Chris Christie, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio. [" target="_blank">CBS] [" target="_blank">USAToday]
Topping the news: Former House Speaker Becky Lockhart passed away in her home on Saturday, due to the "relentlessly progressing" Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. [" target="_blank">Trib] [" target="_blank">DNews] [" target="_blank">UtahPolicy] [" target="_blank">FOX13] [" target="_blank">Herald] [" target="_blank">KUER] [" target="_blank">UtahPolicy]
-> Many are remembering and paying tribute to "Utah's Iron Lady" and her historical career as Utah's first female speaker. [" target="_blank">Trib] [" target="_blank">Trib] [" target="_blank">DNews] [" target="_blank">ABC4] [" target="_blank">FOX13]
-> Her public memorial is scheduled for Thursday at the Capitol with the funeral Friday. [" target="_blank">Trib] [" target="_blank">FOX13]
-> Many Romney supporters are asking, If Reagan could win the presidency on his third try, then why not Romney? [" target="_blank">Trib]
-> But others believe Romney doesn't have what it takes Karl Rove told a Utah audience Friday that Romney will have to come out of his shell if he wants to succeed in what will be the most up-close and personal campaign ever. [" target="_blank">Trib][" target="_blank">UtahPolicy]
-> Some 43 percent of Utahns want to junk the caucus-convention system in favor of direct primaries. [" target="_blank">UtahPolicy] Meanwhile, former Rep. Jim Matheson says the current system is a "joke." [" target="_blank">UtahPolicy]
Tweet of the day: From @" target="_blank">DineshDSouza "For GOP members of Congress who dread having to sit through Obama's State of the Union, there are these really inconspicuous headphones..."
From @" target="_blank">Remroum "While Selma gets snubbed at the Oscars, a movie glorifying a sniper in Iraq shatters box office records. This is America."
Happy Birthday: To former state Rep. Patrick Painter, and belatedly to James Seaman, who celebrated Monday.
Tune in: Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox joins Jennifer Napier-Pearce to talk about the Healthy Utah plan and other budget and policy issues. Watch Trib Talk live at 12:15 p.m. MT on" target="_blank">
Happening Wednesday: The University of Utah's Hinckley Institute of Politics has invited the Tribune's Matt Canham and Robert Gehrke to take part in a forum on the book "Mia Love, The Rise, Stumble and Resurgence of the Next GOP Star." It begins at 2 p.m. in the Hinckley Caucus Room. [" target="_blank">Hinckley] [" target="_blank">MiaLoveBook]
Opinion: Pat Bagley offers his take on what the Keystone XL Pipeline will bring to America. [" target="_blank">Trib]
-> Tooele resident Clark Roger Larsen says the LDS Church has a good track record with political issues. [" target="_blank">Trib]
-> Utah law enforcement officials Rollin Cook, John King and Jim Tracy express the need for prison reforms and treatment programs to lower Utah's prison population and fix the high recidivism rate. [" target="_blank">Trib]
-> Former Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson asks for de-escalation and accountability to stop police violence. [" target="_blank">Trib]
-> Retired BYU professor William S. Bradshaw, USU professor Renee V. Galliher and John P. Dehlin discuss TLC's new program "My Husband's Not Gay" and the negative effects of mixed-orientation marriages. [" target="_blank">Trib]
-> Jewish Rabbi Ilana Schwartzman and Jewish Federation of Utah director Alex Shapiro say religious differences can be solved through understanding and civility. [" target="_blank">Trib]
-> Utah Attorney General's Office deputies Brian L. Tarbet and Spencer E. Austin defend Attorney General Sean Reyes' decision to "wall himself" off from participation in the defense of SB54. [" target="_blank">Trib]
-> Frank Pignanelli and LaVarr Webb look at the position Utah will play in the 2016 presidential race. [" target="_blank">DNews]
-> Former Sen. Robert Bennett discusses what Obama's no-show to the Paris anti-terrorism rally means for Europe/U.S. relations. [" target="_blank">DNews]
Weekend in Review: More than 50 students and others marched around Salt Lake's Westminster College on Monday to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. and protest police brutality against African Americans. [" target="_blank">Trib] The NAACP held its annual luncheon in honor of the holiday and many Utahns participated in service projects and other tributes. [" target="_blank">DNews] [" target="_blank">Herald]
-> Meanwhile, students at Grand County High School in Moab protested having school on MLK Day, saying it is disrespectful. The superintendent, however, said they intentionally decided to hold school to teach the students about the importance of King's life. [" target="_blank">KSL]
-> After three years of watching the Legislature reject tougher seat belt bills and seeing countless preventable car accident deaths, Utah Highway Patrol supervisor Lee Perry is planning on proposing a new law to make not wearing a seatbelt a primary offense. [" target="_blank">Trib] [" target="_blank">CacheValley]
-> Mitt Romney will join Utah Gov. Gary Herbert at Abravanel Hall on Wednesday to speak about the national and international economy. [" target="_blank">Trib]
-> Rep. Jason Chaffetz, the new chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, recently decided to remove the large portraits of former chairmen in the office, angering a few of the ex-staffers. [" target="_blank">Trib] [" target="_blank">WaPost] [" target="_blank">TheHill]
-> A judge has ruled against a move by Utah's two largest newspapers to restrict access to sensitive documents in the lawsuit over their joint operating agreement. [" target="_blank">Fox13]
-> The stove industry and Utah homeowners are continuing to push back against a proposed winter-long wood-burning ban along the Wasatch Front, saying clean air and responsible burning aren't mutually exclusive. [" target="_blank">Trib]
-> Real Women Run held a nonpartisan conference on Saturday to encourage women to participate in elected political office and help them learn to balance public service and family life. [" target="_blank">DNews]
-> A recent poll by USU and The Exoro Group poll says that while the majority of Utahns support an increased income tax to fund public schools, they don't support an increase in the gas tax. [" target="_blank">DNews]
-> West Valley City announced the creation of a new police unit to target drug dealing and prostitution. The new Vice Narcotics Unit will have more training and different detectives than the previous unit, which was shut down two years ago after two detectives shot and killed 21-year-old Danielle Willard. [" target="_blank">Trib] [" target="_blank">FOX13] [" target="_blank">KUER] [" target="_blank">KSL]
-> Muslim students at BYU are welcoming the new clarifications the university announced on the beard ban, formally identifying religious conflict, medical condition and involvement in a theatrical performance as reasons where an exemption to the ban will be accepted. [" target="_blank">Herald]
-> House Minority Leader Brian King, D-Salt Lake City, announced a new bill on Friday that would have the state officially recognize National Religious Freedom Day. He says he worries that a religious liberty exception with regards to gay marriage will harm civil rights. [" target="_blank">Trib] [" target="_blank">DNews]
-> Three hundred and fifty police dogs across the country, including six in West Valley City, will be receiving special ballistic vests for extra protection, thanks to a nonprofit in Massachusetts. [" target="_blank">Trib] [" target="_blank">FOX13]
-> Salt Lake County officials are looking into creating a metropolitan township to preserve the tax base and service-delivery system in the county and give individual communities the power to decide to become cities. [" target="_blank">Trib]
Nationally: The cast of the new movie "Selma" including Oprah Winfrey and David Oyelowo marched in Selma, Ala., with thousands of others Sunday in memory of Martin Luther King, Jr. [" target="_blank">AP] [" target="_blank">FOX]
-> President Barack Obama will deliver his State of the Union address tonight, with the goal of convincing the GOP-led Congress to join with him on the issues of education, cyberprotection and national security and to propose tax reform. [" target="_blank">AP] [" target="_blank">CNN] [" target="_blank">Forbes] [" target="_blank">Politico] But in light of tonight's speech, how did he do on the promises he made in last year's speech? [" target="_blank">AP]
-> Sen. Ted Cruz, another possible presidential candidate, says Mitt Romney isn't conservative enough. [" target="_blank">AP] And the numbers show that while Romney has already announced a focus on poverty, this was one of his weak spots against President Obama in 2012. [" target="_blank">WaPost]
-> The Secret Service reported shots fired from a vehicle outside the Vice President Joe Biden's home in Delaware, prompting an increase in security presence in the area. [" target="_blank">AP] [" target="_blank">FOX]
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Thomas Burr and Erica Palmer" target="_blank"> and">