This is an archived article that was published on in 2015, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

About 100 barrels of diesel fuel spilled from a Tesoro pipeline into Salt Lake City's Rosewood Park.

It was discovered Friday that a diesel fuel transmission line and a city main line both broke and spilled into Rosewood Park, which is near 1200 West and Dupont Avenue. The two sources created a pond in the park, and has been contained, according to James Rogers, city councilman for District 1.

"The pond was about 50 feet off of the Frontage Road and was contained in the park," Rogers said on the Rose Park Facebook page. "It appeared the closest the pool got to a residential fence was about 60 feet."

Tesoro is working with the city to flush and clean the nearby storm drain pipe, Rogers said.

"It sounds like there is significant progress on the clean-up effort," Rogers said Saturday. "… You can expect to see they have secured the area around the repair site as crews do secondary clean-up in the area impacted in the park. It's expected there will be crews on the scene for several days."

Air tests around the park have not found vapors reaching beyond the spill, according to a statement from Tesoro.

"We are working with local agencies in response and are taking all necessary precautions to ensure the protection of our neighbors and the environment," the statement reads. "… Currently, we are evaluating remaining portions of the line to ensure integrity before returning the line to service."

The cause of the line breaks was not immediately available.

Twitter: @mikeypanda