This is an archived article that was published on in 2015, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Draper police say there were no injuries in the crash of a nearly empty Canyons School District bus Thursday morning, but there was plenty of damage — and an arrest.

Police Sgt. Chad Carpenter said the accident occurred at 7:13 a.m. when the bus, carrying only its driver, an aide and a 13-year-old student, went off Mike Weir Drive as it entered a roundabout connecting to Sage Hollow Drive.

"The school bus damaged a tree in the park strip, ran over a Draper City street sign, damaged a tree in the park strip at 1747 E. Sage Hollow Drive, and came to rest in the front yard of that address," Carpenter said.

The 63-year-old school bus driver, a substitute working for the district since August 2014, acknowledged having taken an undisclosed prescription medication about five hours before the accident, police said.

The driver was arrested, cited and will be screened for a possible class A misdemeanor charge of driving under the influence.

Meanwhile, he also has lost his job, having been terminated shortly after the accident, school district spokesman Jeff Haney said Thursday afternoon.

Neither Draper police nor Haney would further identify the driver.

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