This is an archived article that was published on in 2015, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Let the games begin in Salt Lake City's mayoral chase.

Someone bought up the domain names and and directed them to the campaign site for candidate Jackie Biskupski.

"It made me smile," said Dabakis, a state senator who is the fourth candidate to enter this year's mayoral contest. "This is part of getting in late. I'm not angry or upset. I think it makes me chuckle a little. I never have known anyone to win or lose a race because a website got shifted around."

The domains were registered anonymously April 2, just days before Dabakis entered the contest to unseat Mayor Ralph Becker, who is seeking a third term. Salt Lake City Council Luke Garrott is also running.

Biskupski said the website stunt, first reported by Fox 13 News, isn't her doing, and she doubts it came from one of her supporters.

"We don't know anything about it," she said. "It is politics. There is always going to be people who want to play games."

Biskupski, a former state House member, suspects that a backer in one of the other camps did this to put her against Dabakis. They are both prominent figures in Utah's gay community and consider each other friends.

"I don't have any issues with Jim being in this race, at all," she said.

For his part, Dabakis said he believes Biskupski.

"She and I have a fabulous relationship," he said. "I suspect it could be a nefarious third party. That would be my guess."

Biskupski's campaign is up and running. She has yard signs out in neighborhoods and a well-designed website. Dabakis is still playing catch-up.

He recently hired a campaign manager, Kurt Bagley, a University of Utah graduate who recently ran a congressional campaign in Arizona. He is not related to Salt Lake Tribune cartoonist Pat Bagley.

Dabakis plans to launch his website — mayordabakis.comĀ — in the coming days. His team bought that domain name Sunday.