This is an archived article that was published on in 2004, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

For a very long time this election has centered on at least two non-issues. One is gay marriage. I don't care if somebody marries their pet goldfish, it doesn't threaten my marriage. The second is that, no matter how you spin it, Kerry went to Vietnam and Bush didn't. Bush Sr. was a war hero, McCain was a POW and Clinton got deferments. It doesn't matter.

The issues that do matter, and that will shape our future, are Social Security, tax policies, stem-cell research, the economy, education, the environment and health care. Give me a candidate who will face these issues head-on and propose clear-cut equitable solutions. I'll vote for him or her, Democrat, Republican or Rainbow.

Bruce James

Salt Lake City