This is an archived article that was published on in 2005, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Ballet West's "A Dance for Life" benefit for the Utah Cancer Foundation May 14 was a performance of hope and love.

It began when dancer Michael Bearden, whose father is fighting cancer in Arkansas, heard about support offered by the Utah Cancer Foundation. He asked friends to do a benefit.

The result was an elegant evening with approximately 300 guests at the performance in the Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center. The evening raised close to $60,000.

The foundation focuses on people who are battling cancer. Practical support includes nutrition and relaxation classes as well as financial assistance if needed.

Foundation director Marsha Fetzer introduced Bearden, and honorary co-chairwoman Patricia Murphy Pignanelli thanked the foundation.

Dessert included a make-your-own-eclair bar by Cuisine Unlimited, bubbly to sip and strawberries Romanoff to dip.

Artistic director Jonas KRge and Deborah Dobson were front row center, with foundation members Steve Allnatt, Dee Brewer, Jan Cendese with Ivan Cendese, Dan Kaschmitter and Cindy Louie, and Mike Korologos.

Salt Lake County Mayor Peter Corroon was there, as were Lauren Wingate, Tony and Marie Larimer, Jeann Potucek, Shahab Saeed and his mother Pouran Saeed, Kathleen Grisley, Bob Forsey, Martha DiFiore and foundation board chairman Kent DiFiore, Susan and Max Farbman, and Frank Pignanelli with granddaughter Christiana Pignanelli.

Dreams come true

The third annual "Reach for the Dream" gala brought more than 420 people to Little America Hotel to support the Utah branch of the National Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation in its mission to find a cure for diabetes and its complications. The event raised approximately $138,000.

Utah chapter joined the national scene in 1997; Rufus, the stuffed bear with diabetes, came on board in 1999 and now is international.

Honorees Peter and Betty Ellison chatted with Mark and Lisa Haslam and sons Sam and Jackson as Penniann and Jon Schumann bid on auction items with Kathleen Garn and former Sen. Jake Garn, the evening's emcee. A flight with Garn as pilot sold for $3,000, twice.

Board chairman Mitch Paluso and Deana Paluso attended, as did physician Melissa Brown and Alan Brown, Colton and Mandi Tanner, Jodi and Brian Cleveland, Penny and Gary Kapp, board member Andy Grzelak and Tracy Grzelak, Sandy Roytor and Ramona Rudert, representing National JDRF.

Violinist Will Hagen, 11, was a hit, and cowboy poet Waddie Mitchell had verses to touch the funny bone and the heart.

Brett and Kristen Okland attended with John and Becky Jones, Tom and Shauna Coleman, Elly Muth, Katie Dixon, Chuck Warren, and Steve and Kelly Harmsen.

Taking root at Westminster

Internationally acclaimed primatologist Jane Goodall planted Roots & Shoots in Salt Lake City as Westminster College became the fifth U.S. center for the education outreach program founded by Goodall.

Best known for her work with chimpanzees, Goodall now travels approximately 300 days a year to promote conservation. Celebrating the new Intermountain West Regional office, 75 of Westminster's best friends met for a reception in the Norman and Barbara Tanner Atrium at the Emma Eccles Jones Conservatory, followed by dinner in the Dumke Student Theatre.

Westminster set designer Bryan Jacobs created a dramatic African enclave in the black-box theater, and diners entered to drums and voices of Sudanese musicians Kakawa Union.

Goodall's words, "Small acts of compassion and caring are meaningful and hope is contagious," drew applause and added dollars toward a $400,000 goal to fund three years of Roots & Shoots.

Westminster President Michael Bassis and Mary Bassis welcomed guests including Utah Director of the Division of Indian Affairs Forrest Cuch and Carla Cuch, Barbara and Norman Tanner, the Rev. France Davis, Sonja and Errol ErrNisse, Stewart and DeAnne Hanson, Joyce and Verl Topham, Princess Yasmin Aga Khan and Blaise Labriola, Lon Watson and Paula Swaner, Paula Swaner Sargetakis and Joe Sargetakis, Alice and Kevin Steiner, Doug and Shelly Anderson and Melissa Johnson.


Odyssey House party today, 5 p.m., at Tuscany, 2832 E. 6200 South, Holladay; $75; call 801-322-4275, ext. 6.

Red Butte Garden Party, 300 Wakara Way, Salt Lake City, Friday, 6 p.m.; $150; call 801-585-3813 or e-mail wendy.loyning

Breakfast at Tracy Aviary, 589 E.1300 South, Salt Lake City, Saturday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Destination Argentina! exhibit opening; $35 for adults; 16 and under, $25; under 3, free. Call 801-541-6584 or e-mail

Save the date July 8 to go to Cedar City for the Utah Shakespearean Festival fund-raising dinner and performance of "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Tickets are $125; call 1-435-58607880; 1-800-752-9849.

Your are invited to a gala fund-raiser for the Huntsman Cancer Center Aug. 7, at 6:30 p.m., Salt Lake City Marriott Downtown, 75 S. West Temple. Tickets are $250; call 801-581-8014.

Spend a Night with the Stars to benefit the American Lung Association of Utah to improve life, "One Breath at at time," Aug. 25. 6 p.m., at LaCaille at Quail Run, 9565 S. Wasatch Boulevard, Sandy, Tickets are $200; call 801-484-4456.

Circle Sept. 10 for "A Starry Night" with the National Ability Center. Dinner, auctions at the Grand Summit Resort Hotel, 4000 Canyon Drive, the Canyons, Park City. Tickets are $200; call 435-649-3991, ext. 606.

Save Sept. 13 for Natalie Cole at Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah's Caring Foundation for Children benefit concert at Abravanel Hall, 123 W. South Temple, Salt Lake City, at 8 p.m. VIP dinner at the Salt Lake City Marriott Downtown, 75 S. West Temple, at 6 p.m.. Tickets for dinner and performance are $150; call 801-333-2679; tickets for performance only are $50, and $35; available at Abravanel Hall and Capitol Theatre box offices, select ArtTix outlets or any Smith's Tix outlet or call 801-355-ARTS, 1-888-451-ARTS, 801-467TIXX, 1-800-888-TIXX or online at http:/

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society Dinner of Champions honors "Voice of the Utes" Bill Marcroft, Sept. 15, 6 p.m., at Little America Hotel, 500 S. Main Street, Salt Lake City. Tickets are $200; call 801-493-0113.