This is an archived article that was published on in 2015, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Firefighters suspect that gunfire sparked a wildfire Saturday afternoon in Parleys Canyon.
The blaze began about 2 p.m. just south of a gun range near Mountain Dell, about three miles from the Salt Lake City side of the canyon, said Unified Fire Battalion Chief Brian Anderton. The fire spread to about 5 acres through steep terrain and scrub oak, and came to a stop by about 8:30 p.m. after firefighters from multiple agencies attacked the blaze, with the help of a plane and helicopters.
"We don't have any active fire burning, but we still have a lot of hot spots, a lot of smoldering," Anderton said Saturday night. Firefighters plan to keep an eye on the site overnight, particularly since the blaze didn't burn "cleanly" and left living vegetation in the area that could still catch fire.
"We don't want it getting away from us in this terrain," Anderton said.
Come Sunday morning, firefighters plan on digging containment lines, with the hopes of full containment the same day.
There are homes within about a mile of the fire, but none is in immediate danger.