This is an archived article that was published on in 2005, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Motorola Talkabout SX700R Pair
Cell phones don't work everywhere. That's where Motorola's Talkabout two-way radios come in handy. We tested the SX700R set during a recent trip to Lake Powell. The results were mixed. The makers say the radios have a 12-mile range, and that was the case on the open lake. But once we got in the side canyons, contact was limited. The SX700R set includes two radios, drop-in chargers and rechargeable batteries. Features include 22 channels with 121 codes for a possibility of 2,662 private conversations. A NOAA weather alert feature is new and so is a VibraCall alert. Suggested retail price: $79.99. Visit