This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The NCAA Gymnastics Committee's new vault codes affected both Utah and BYU in big ways Friday, as neither team had many high vault scores in the season opener at the Huntsman Center.

The committee has downgraded the popular Yurchenko full performed by the majority of gymnasts to a 9.95 start value.

The only Utah gymnast who has a 10.0 start value is Breanna Hughes, who performs a Yurchenko one-and-a-half.

She had previously vaulted just once in her career, scoring 9.825, but not surprisingly she had one of the best vaults for the Utes on Friday, delivering a 9.825 to place second behind Kailah Delaney.

Delaney won the vault competition with a 9.85.

BYU's best vaulter was Sin To, who scored a 9.775.

Honor time

Utah's pre-meet ceremonies included a rather understated ceremony for the Utes' performances last year, in which they won their second straight Pac-12 title and finished second by a mere 0.05 to Florida at the NCAA Championships.

The gymnasts were recognized in a quick ceremony shortly after introductions.

Prior to the meet, coach Megan Marsden said the team didn't want to make too big of a deal, preferring to focus on what they needed to do this year to win.

Familiar faces

Former Utah gymnast Meredith (King) Paulicivic made her debut as a Ute assistant Friday. Paulicivic previously served as an assistant at California and Arizona and has coached at the club levels.

Her specialty is in choreography, giving the Utes an element they haven't had before, Marsden said.

"The majority of our routines have been choreographed by volunteers or the gymnasts," Marsden said. "People are going to notice a difference. She is a professional choreographer and has done a great job."

Former Ute Georgia Dabritz, who won the NCAA uneven bars title, is serving as a student coach.

Of note

Kari Lee earned a 9.775 in her first uneven bars routine of her career. … Baely Rowe earned a career-best 9.925 on the uneven bars. … Freshman MaKenna Merrell's sister Mickell was a BYU gymnast from 2008-12. … The Utes did not elect team captains this year, opting for a Leadership Council consisting of Delaney, Hughes, Kassandra Lopez and Rowe.