This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

When it comes to criticizing judging, Utah's gymnastics team tries to be as politically correct as possible, noting they can't control what the judges think.

However, you can bet there are times when they are wondering what judges are thinking.

Certainly Saturday's meet was one of those times. The Utes were puzzled as to why they earned some low scores on the balance beam, specifically a 9.75 from Samantha Partyka and a 9.775 from Kassandra Lopez.

The low scores didn't affect the outcome since the fifth-ranked Utes beat Washington 197.125-196.25.

However, the concern is what will happen if the Utes continue to get low scores for what look like solid routines. That could be the difference between winning another Pac-12 title or not making it into the Super Six at the NCAA Championships.

After reviewing the film, Utah coach Megan Marsden seemed to think the issue was more of a case of simple, tight judging than anything else.

"I didn't see any blatant things," Marsden said of possible flaws. "On a different night those routines might have scored higher, but that is the nature of the sport. That set of judges on that night just wasn't overly friendly. I watched Washington, too, and they were judged just as harshly."

Reviewing the film made Marsden feel better about things from the perspective her gymnasts weren't missing any crucial elements or connections that might need to be changed. The routines were solid, just not good enough in the judges' eyes to earn big scores.

"I'm not too concerned, but we can use it to help motivate the team and find the little things that we can improve on," she said.

Way to go

One of the biggest results in collegiate gymnastics this weekend was in Alabama when Auburn upset Alabama 197.275-197.25.

It was the Tigers' first win over Alabama since 1979, a losing streak that had lasted for 117 meets.

Friday's win was notable for the Utes since the Tigers are coached by Jeff Graba, who was an assistant at Utah State (2004-05) before joining Utah's staff as an assistant in 2006. He has been the Tigers' head coach since 2010.

"Greg (Marsden) and I were watching that meet on the SEC Network and we were hoping he was going to pull that off," Megan Marsden said. "He is a good friend and he has come close before and we were thrilled it finally happened for him."

Back in the lineup

Partyka, who sat out of the floor lineup to rest a sore leg on Saturday, is expected to compete Saturday at Stanford.

Partyka has scored 9.8 or higher in four of her five floor routines this season. Maddy Stover earned a 9.825 in her place Saturday.

In the rankings

The Utes moved up to No. 5 with a 196.729 average while Oklahoma holds onto the top spot with a 197.428 average. The Utes are ranked eighth on the vault (49.133), third on the bars (49.3), sixth on the beam (49.133) and eighth on the floor (49.163). Lopez is tied for fourth on the uneven bars (9.896) with Georgia's Brittany Rogers, Baely Rowe is seventh on the bars (9.887), Sabrina Schwab is sixth on the floor (9.917) and Breanna Hughes is tied with Denver's Nina McGee for fifth in the all-around (39.467). —

Top 25 rankings

Team Average

1. Oklahoma 197.428

2. Florida 197.258

3. Michigan 196.993

4. Alabama 196.959

5. Utah 196.729

6. LSU 196.721

7. UCLA 196.671

8. Auburn 196.357

9. Boise St. 196.210

10. Georgia 196.182

11. Arkansas 196.168

12. Stanford 195.971

13. Denver 195.954

14. Nebraska 195.875

15. California 195.730

16. Oregon St. 195.721

17. George Wash. 195.675

18. Minnesota 195.658

19. Missouri 195.646

20. Arizona 195.442

21. Eastern Mich. 195.418

22. Kentucky 195.357

23. Southern Utah 195.317

24. Iowa 195.272

25. Illinois 195.263