This is an archived article that was published on in 2006, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
The evolution bill is no more.
The Utah House of Representatives voted 46-28 to kill SB96, which cast doubt on the teaching of evolution.
"There are a number of influential legislators who believe you evolved from an ape. I didn't," said Sen. Chris Buttars, R-West Jordan, who sponsored the bill.
He said it was "doubtful" that he would try a similar bill in the future.
The bill would have required a teacher to say the state does not endorse evolution and that the controversial theory is not a proven fact before teaching Charles Darwin's ideas.
SB96's deep religious roots fostered outspoken support among some, such as Rep. LaVar Christensen, and just as fervent opposition from others, like Rep. Stephen Urquhart.
Urquhart, a St. George Republican, first amended the bill, stripping any reference to 'origins of species." The gutted bill simply read: "The State Board of Education shall establish curriculum requirements relating to scientific instruction."
Urquhart opposed Buttars' bill because he doesn't feel that science conflicts with religion and said it was misleading to single out one theory as unproven.
The House voted down the gutted SB96 to stop the Senate from having the ability to revive the issue." Target="_BLANK">