This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Another small step in the restructuring of unincorporated Salt Lake County's boundaries takes place Tuesday when Sandy City prepares to take in several islands of south-valley property.

Public hearings will be held at 7:05 p.m. at Sandy City Hall, 10000 Centennial Parkway, on the proposed annexations of five islands whose residents voted in the Community Preservation election last November to join Sandy.

The Sandy City Council also will consider three other annexation petitions, one of which involves most of the people living on a street within a large island that voted to stay unincorporated.

None are expected to generate any controversy, said Sandy City community development department official James Sorensen, even the bid by Foxwood Lane residents to leave what's called Island 23 and to join Sandy.

"I haven't heard of any issues at all," he added.

On the five islands that voted to join Sandy — one, Island 20, on a 1-0 vote — Sorensen said the public hearings Tuesday technically revolve around the city's need to bring those parcels into the municipality with the same zoning they had in the county.

The other hearings involve annexation requests that would:

• Move a lot line in the Garmish Cove subdivision so that one home is no longer bisected, half in the county, half in Sandy; and

• Clearing the way for a developer to get a mandated Sandy City water connection so he can turn a couple of vacant parcels around 9678 S. 3100 East into seven lots, each one-third of an acre in size.

Kimberly Barnett, Salt Lake County's associate deputy mayor and its leader on Community Preservation issues, said the post-election process has been working smoothly. She expects the annexations to be finalized this spring.