This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz essentially declared war on three federal agencies: the Department of Education, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Internal Revenue Service in an appearance before the Utah Legislature on Friday.

Chaffetz said he long has sought to disband the Department of Education and what he says are its regulations that interfere with states. He said the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia told him the way to do that would be for states to quit taking its money.

"I know the first inclination and gut reaction is to take all the money we can get," Chaffetz said. "But let's also understand the cost of that money."

He called the EPA "one of the worst-run agencies on the face of the planet. They are not doing their job. They are an embarrassment."

He complained the EPA is trying to expand its jurisdiction over water in the West but failed to act on information it had about water contamination in Flint, Mich. He vowed to use an oversight committee he chairs to continue to investigate that matter.

About the IRS, he said it "is morphing into a political machine" that investigates people based on their political views. "It should scare all of us," and said the agency has destroyed documents sought by congressional subpoena.

He noted he has filed for impeachment of the IRS commissioner because, "We have exhausted every remedy. This administration will not hold them accountable."

He said Congress should consider using impeachment more often "when people don't serve the interests of the United States."