This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Nashville, Tenn. • Kentucky coach John Calipari says the selection committee for the NCAA Tournament has a tough job and he only wants each member to use the same criteria when judging teams for the field.

Calipari was asked Saturday about the committee not having 10 basketball people after his 16th-ranked Wildcats beat Georgia 93-80 in the Southeastern Conference Tournament semifinals.

"What we're all counting on is what is the criteria? Stick to the criteria. What is it? And all of you on this committee, don't tell me you all have different criteria. Have the same criteria so that we know what we're trying to do to get the best seed and all that," Calipari said.

Calipari said he likes to tease and tweak the committee even as he knows they have a tough job in paring down the teams.

"At the end of the day, there's going to be some upset people," Calipari said. "Just how it is. There are going to be some happy people cheering and going nuts."

The Kentucky coach wrapped up by reminding listeners that his biggest concern remains his team and what path they face each NCAA Tournament. As usual, Calipari said that path will be the hardest of anyone in the tournament.

"Sometimes they stick the Lakers in there to get that going. Somebody told me they're going to put Louisville back in the tournament in our path. That's how it is," Calipari said. "We get a tough path, and that's fine. It hasn't hurt us. It's been kind of exciting. Made the games good. But we will see."