This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
A child is dead and a woman was in jail for allegedly driving while under the influence of drugs after a Sunday auto-pedestrian collision in Payson.
A statement from the office of Payson Police Lt. Bill Wright said the 8-year-old boy, Kaydon Delroy Sillitoe, was struck and critically injured while riding his skateboard about 2:35 p.m. in the intersection of 1000 West and 680 South.
The woman reportedly was making an improperly wide right turn one that took her into the oncoming, eastbound traffic lane when she hit the boy.
Sillitoe died shortly after his arrival at Mountain View Hospital in Payson.
The woman, identified by police as 37-year-old Tabatha Magoon, was arrested on suspicion of second-degree felony negligent driving, and a class B misdemeanor count of DUI.
"It has long been said that the most difficult situation for a family to deal with is the death of a child. Today, no one knows that better than the family of [Sillitoe]," a statement from Sillitoe's family reads. "… What do you say? There are no words to express the pain, heartache and even anger that we feel. This was an accident that could have been entirely avoided with different choices."
Tribune reporter Michael McFall contributed to this story.
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