This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Utah Transit Authority ski bus service ends for the year on Sunday, one of three "change days" per year when the agency adjusts its bus and train schedules.

UTA also is adding some service in Davis and Weber counties, thanks to passage of Proposition 1 sales tax increases there. And the agency is tweaking a variety of routes in Salt Lake and Utah counties to improve schedule reliability.

Highlights of the changes include:

Davis County • Seasonal Route 667 shuttle service to the Lagoon amusement park from Farmington Station begins and now will run on weekends during April and May, and weekday service will begin in June.

The Route 640 bus from Layton Hills Mall to Weber State University now will run every 30 minutes from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. on weekdays.

Salt Lake County • Route 35, on 3500 South, will add trips on Saturdays to provide 30-minute frequency all day. Route 72, on 7200 South, also will add Saturday trips to provide consistent 40-minute frequency.

Trips are also being added to bus routes 33, 39, 519, 520 and 525 to improve service.

The TRAX red and green lines will make some slight schedule adjustments to improve reliability. No changes are planned for the blue line, S-line and FrontRunner services.

Weber County • The Route 603 Weber State University line and Route 612 Washington Boulevard line now will run from 5 a.m. to midnight on weekdays, improving service to the university, medical facilities and shopping centers.

UTA will add extra Sunday service on the Route 470 Ogden-Salt Lake City intercity bus so that it will run every 30 minutes between 7 a.m. and 9:30 p.m.

Utah County • Because of low ridership, UTA is discontinuing bus Route 836, from Geneva Road to the Provo FrontRunner Station, and Route 842 from the Orem Central FrontRunner station to the Provo Riverwoods shopping area.

UTA said it will use resources saved from discontinuing those routes to add extra service to routes 821, 833, 834 and 850.

Detailed schedules are available online at