This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Your April 7 editorial, "Markets don't provide affordable housing, so government must help," illustrates that what you do not understand about economics literally does fill volumes. Your assertion that lack of "affordable" low-end housing is the result of a market failure is about as true as a comparable assertion that lack of affordable Lamborghinis is a result of a market failure.

There is no market failure with respect to housing.

Instead, it is oppressive governmental meddling in the marketplace that causes a higher break-even point, forcing developers to target higher prices just to break even. Let's get rid of the useless regulations and the bureaucrats who dream them up so well-meaning developers can build housing at the low price point that low-income families require.

Phil Palmintere

Park City