This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
The Division of Wildlife Resources and Trout Unlimited have partnered up to create a program called "The Cutthroat Slam" to encourage anglers to catch all four of Utah's cutthroat trout.
Anglers must catch Utah's four species of cutthroat trout. Can you name them?
They are the Bear River, Bonneville, Colorado River and Yellowstone cutthroats. The Bonneville is Utah's state fish.
Paul Birdsey, cold water sport fisheries coordinator for the DWR, said that most Utahns are not aware that cutthroat trout were the only trout settlers found when they arrived in what is now Utah in 1847.
"All of the other trout anglers catch in Utah, including brook, brown and rainbow trout, were brought in from other places," he said.
Anglers can register for the Utah Cutthroat Slam or learn more about it by logging on to
Trout Unlimited is supporting the Utah Cutthroat Slam by contributing money to help purchase the medallions that will be handed out to successful anglers who complete the slam requirements.
According to Brett Prettyman, Intermountain communications director for Trout Unlimited, Utah has eight local chapters, representing more than 1,500 members.
Sponsors hope the chance to complete the slam takes Utah anglers to some new waters where they have never fished before.
"The state of Utah is a hugely important partner in our work to recover native trout," says Chris Wood, president and CEO of Trout Unlimited. "The Utah Cutthroat Slam will simultaneously allow us to raise important resources for this work while also providing a ton of fun for anglers. What's not to like?"