This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

A Monday afternoon fire has displaced 12 people after causing "severe fire damage" to homes in Salt Lake City.

Firefighters encountered the blaze near 600 S. Concord Street (1240 West) at 2 p.m., according to a news release from the Salt Lake City Fire Department. The fire originated from children playing with matches in the backyard of the home.

When crews arrived, they saw "heavy smoke and flames" coming from the roof of the house, said spokesman Jasen Asay. The blaze also spread to a duplex to the south of the home.

Six people were living in the house where the blaze originated and six more were living in the building next-door, the news release said. All 12 were displaced by the fire, but no one was injured.

Asay said the blaze was upgraded to a second-alarm fire because buildings and trees in the area are close together, but the crew of 35 firefighters did a "great job of putting the fire out and stopping its progression" to other structures.

An estimate of damage was not immediately known.

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