This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

After Trump wins cash haul, Clinton camp redoubles efforts to raise money. Gary Johnson urges Utahns to go Libertarian. Some Utahns want to change how rural votes are cast.

Happy Monday. Taken aback by the size of Donald Trump's July fundraising haul, Hillary Clinton's campaign is quickly working to beef up its efforts to raise campaign cash before the fall — sending the candidate, running mate Tim Kaine, and former President Bill Clinton on an all-out financial sprint through August while explicitly warning top fundraisers this week that they need to pick up the pace. Bill Clinton is expected in Utah on Thursday to raise some cash. [<a href="">Politico</a>]

<strong>Topping the news: </strong>Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson painted himself as a viable alternative to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton at a rally at the University of Utah <span class="aBn" tabindex="0" data-term="goog_256520371"><span class="aQJ">Saturday</span></span>. [<a href=""; target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl="">Trib</a>] [<a href=""; target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl="">DNews</a>] [<a href=""; target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl="">Fox13</a>]

-> A local group wants to change the way mail-in ballots are counted to ensure rural Utahns' votes count after 64 mail-in ballots were not counted in the disputed House District 53 race. [<a href=""; target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl="">Trib</a>]

-> Jon Harper, the Democratic candidate for Utah attorney general, said AG Sean Reyes' undermined a rape victims' case by giving information about his office's investigation to the federal judge who was accused of committing the crime. [<a href=""; target="_blank">Trib</a>]

<strong>Tweets of the weekend:</strong> From <a href=""; target="_blank">@ditzkoff</a>: "I'm the Michael Phillips of having no idea who is participating in the Olympics."

From @<a href="">jonallendc</a>: "Note to broadcasters and writers: when you think of attributing a female athlete's success to her husband or coach, stop."

<strong>Happy Birthday: </strong>to former <span class="s1">SLC chief of staff David Everitt.</span>

<strong>Opinion section:</strong> Author Jon Ogden says a belief in "Sad Heaven," a paradise where believers mourn those who are not there with them, damages relationships in a time where the number of adults who grew up Mormon and still identify in the religion is decreasing. [<a href=""; target="_blank">Trib</a>]

-> Ryan Evans, president of the Utah Solar Energy Association, says the cost of solar energy has drastically decreased over the last decade, and solar energy provides numerous benefits to Utahns. [<a href=""; target="_blank">Trib</a>]

-> Howard Lehman, a political science professor at the University of Utah, says the Republican Party is so divided that it is basically two different parties and the best way to solve this problem may be to reform the party into "Republican 3.0." [<a href=""; target="_blank">Trib</a>]

-> Dustin Carlson, board member of American Fly Fishing Trade Association and partner of Green Drake Outdoors, says a Bears Ears National Monument would spur economic growth and preserve an important part of Utah's culture. [<a href=""; target="_blank">Trib</a>]

-> Gail Miller, owner of the Larry H. Miller Group of companies, says two commissions have created a good plan to alleviate homelessness, and Utahns have the imperative to act on it. [<a href=""; target="_blank">Trib</a>]

-> George Chapman, a former candidate for mayor of Salt Lake City, says the commissions creating the plans to deal with homelessness need to first consider neighborhood safety. [<a href=""; target="_blank">Trib</a>]

-> Kathleen Clarke, director of the Utah Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office, says public lands around Moab are better managed by the state than by an executive order that ignores locals' wishes.  [<a href=""; target="_blank">Trib</a>]

-> Community advocate Pamela Atkinson, Sen. Orrin Hatch and state Rep. Todd Weiler say Utahns need to up efforts to combat wide-spread pornography addiction. [<a href=""; target="_blank">DNews</a>]

-> Deseret News' Jay Evensen says the presidential campaign should focus more on actual foreign policy and less on "childish prattle." [<a href=""; target="_blank">DNews</a>]

-> Paul Rolly says Donald Trump's feud with the Khans, the parents of a Muslim-American Gold Star recipient, may hurt Trump's chances in Utah. [<a href=""; target="_blank">Trib</a>] Rolly also writes about two teen girls who started an online protest, which has gained international attention, against Lagoon Amusement Park's zoo. [<a href=""; target="_blank">Trib</a>]

-> Frank Pignanelli and LaVarr Webb translate politico-speech into what politicians really mean. [<a href=""; target="_blank">DNews</a>]

<strong>Weekend in review:</strong> The U.S. Air Force found a location for a hotel near Park City Resort, which will offer reduced rates for service members and their families. [<a href=""; target="_blank">Trib</a>]

-> Over 300 alumni attended Granite High School's All-Alumni Reunion Saturday night, which marked the beginning of a final effort to preserve part the old campus. [<a href=""; target="_blank">Trib</a>]

-> Former Utah State University football player believes he will be found innocent in four sexual assault allegations. The Atlanta Falcons cut him last week after learning of the allegations. [<a href=""; target="_blank">Trib</a>] [<a href=""; target="_blank">KUTV</a>]

-> Utah has the lowest average student debt in the nation according to a new study. [<a href=""; target="_blank">DNews</a>]

<strong>Nationally:</strong> Trump endorsed House Speaker Paul Ryan and Arizona Sen. John McCain in an attempt to heal a Republican Party rift. [<a href=""; target="_blank">CNN</a>] Still, many Republican leaders worry that Trump will lose to Clinton in key swing states. [<a href="" target="_blank">WaPost</a>]

-> In case you missed it: The summer Olympics opened in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Friday. [<a href=""; target="_blank">NewYorker</a>] So far, the U.S. is leading with 12 medals. [<a href=""; target="_blank">BBC</a>]

<strong>Where are they?</strong>


<li>Gov. Gary <strong><a href=""; target="_blank">Herbert</a></strong> attends a National Association of Sentencing Commissions meeting in the morning. Later in the morning, he meets with the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office. In the afternoon, he holds a leadership meeting and meets with the Office of Energy. Later, he attends the National Governors Association Homeland Security Advisors Council.</li>

<li>Lt. Gov. Spencer <strong><a href=""; target="_blank">Cox</a> </strong>spends the day at the Native American Summit at Utah Valley University.</li>

<li>SL Co. Mayor Ben <strong><a href=""; target="_blank">McAdams</a> </strong>presents a plan to minimize homelessness to the Downtown Alliance Executive Board in the morning. At noon, he attends a Housing and Homelessness Prevention Fund meeting.</li>


Got a tip? A birthday, wedding or anniversary to announce? Email us at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. If you haven't already, sign up for our weekday email and get this sent directly to your inbox. [<a href=""; target="_blank">Trib</a>]

— Thomas Burr and Kayla Goodson

<a title="Thomas Burr" href=""; target="_blank"></a> and <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>