This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Two Utah men died in separate crashes in Sanpete County earlier this month, Utah Highway Patrol reported Monday.

The first crash, on Sept. 15, occurred near mile marker 282 on U.S. Highway 89. Kenny Bagley, 32, of Orem, was traveling north about 11:15 a.m. when he went off the road to the left and down an embankment, according to a UHP news release.

Bagley's truck rolled, and was not wearing a seat belt, so he was ejected and thrown about 45 feet back onto the road. Bagley suffered "significant" head trauma and internal injuries; he died two days later at a nearby hospital, the release states.

UHP does not believe drugs or alcohol played a factor in the crash.

A second crash on the same highway occurred Sept. 20. John Ludvigson, 88, of Sterling, was traveling west on U.S. 89 when he went off the road to the right across a dirt crossroad near mile marker 243, the release states. The car launched into the air and rolled once.

Ludvigson, the sole occupant, died at the scene. UHP is investigating the reason for the crash. Twitter: @CourtneyLTanner