This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Berkeley, Calif. • Utah wanted to run clock against Cal on Saturday at Memorial Stadium, in part by way of a running game that would methodically chew up yards, extend drives, keep the ball from Bears quarterback Davis Webb, and win the game.
It didn't quite work out the way the Utes wanted, losing 28-23. But that run game was mostly on point.
Utah gained 176 yards on 54 carries, led by Armand Shyne, Zack Moss, and Troy McCormick. Shyne ran for 99 yards and two TDs, while Moss got 66 and one score. Both of them ran north and south, neither dancing around much, just churning out yardage, running hard, following behind an offensive front that graded the road.
Utah coach Kyle Whittingham complimented his line afterward, saying: "I really like our offensive line."
Cal's defense, despite early success, largely cooperated. It featured one of the worst run defenses among FBS teams. But at game's end, that defense stepped up and stopped Moss from the 1-yard line, preventing the Utes from winning.
Early in the game, when Cal went ahead 14-0, it looked as though Utah's plan of basic, deliberate offense might have to be scrapped. But, bit by bit, the Utes found enough defense and offense to balance the affair, and fall just shy of winning it.
Utah hardly abandoned the pass, with Utes quarterback Troy Williams putting up 43 throws, completing 24 of them for 266 yards. But the running plays were key to keeping possession in a rough-and-tumble kind of attack.
"I really felt like we had it," Shyne said of the final drive.
"We just didn't get it done," said offensive lineman Isaac Asiata.
Added Shyne: "We just have to come back next week and get the next one."
Utah faces Arizona at Rice-Eccles Stadium on Saturday.