This is an archived article that was published on in 2006, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Say goodbye to these landmarks:

ZCMI CENTER MALL - The building is set to be demolished in early 2007. Macy's, which is housed there now, will temporarily close in January.

THE PARKING STRUCTURE - The building will be replaced with 5,600 spaces, which will all be underground according to the new plans.

THE INN AT TEMPLE SQUARE - The inn will be torn down to make room for a residence tower in downtown's new design.

Where some of the new fixtures are planned:

100 SOUTH 150 EAST - A Harmons grocery store will be constructed northeast of the Federal Building.

BETWEEN CROSSROADS AND ZCMI CENTER - A pedestrian bridge connecting them over Main Street is proposed.

100 S. STATE ST. = A large residential building is planned north of the Federal Building.