This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Cleanup crews uncovered a man's body last month while clearing downed trees after a tornado tore through Weber County.

The body, identified as Cody Wills, 28, of Ogden, was discovered Sept. 22 partially submerged in Burch Creek and covered by branches near 4400 South and 1500 East, South Ogden police Sgt. Will DeHart said.

Public works employees were using a backhoe to pull logs off a storm grate when they noticed the body about 6 p.m., DeHart said. There were no signs of traumatic injury or foul play.

Though autopsy and toxicology results could take up to six months, DeHart said the cause of death was likely drug overdose.

Wills' family, DeHart said, is "obviously devastated."

Twitter: @CourtneyLTanner