This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Las Vegas • The expected arrival in Nevada of two of rancher Cliven Bundy's sons following their acquittal on federal charges in Oregon comes amid behind-the-scenes activity ahead of a scheduled February trial in Las Vegas.

Ammon Bundy's attorney in Las Vegas, Daniel Hill, said Wednesday his client and his client's brother, Ryan Bundy, were in transit in custody from Portland, Oregon.

U.S. marshals in Nevada aren't commenting.

Hill said he plans to ask a federal magistrate judge to free Ammon Bundy pending trial.

Four Bundy brothers, their father and 12 co-defendants are due for trial Feb. 6 for allegedly wielding assault-style rifles and other weapons during a 2014 standoff with federal Bureau of Land Management agents near the Bundy ranch outside Bunkerville.

Federal agents and contract cowboys had been rounding up cattle that the government contends Bundy was grazing illegally.

In other developments:

— Cliven Bundy has a new lawyer, Las Vegas attorney and rancher Bret Whipple, after Bundy's primary lawyer, Joel Hansen, withdrew last week for health reasons. At the same time, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal in San Francisco rejected Bundy's bid to be represented by lawyer and conservative activist Larry Klayman.

Klayman said he'll seek a rehearing by the full 9th Circuit court and, if he loses, will seek U.S. Supreme Court review.

— Gerald DeLemus of Rochester, N.H., who pleaded guilty to conspiracy and interstate travel in aid of extortion, will ask to withdraw his plea, his attorney Brian Smith said.