This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
While on vacation in Hawaii, President Barack Obama created a new national monument in southeast Utah.
He did so by proclamation, a nine-page document in which he explains why he finds the land worth protecting.
(More on Bears Ears: The designation, the reaction and what the landscape looks like.)
Read the full proclamation in PDF form above, or get the highlights:
How will Bears Ears be managed?
The secretary of the interior and secretary of agriculture will prepare a management plan after talking to the National Park Service and other federal land management areas, as well as involving the public, tribes and state and local governments.
Whose voice will be heard in the management plan?
The secretaries will form the Bears Ears Committee with representation of "interested stakeholders," including state and local governments, tribes, recreational users, local business owners and private landowners.
Will American Indians still be able to access the land in the Bears Ears National Monument to perform rituals and gather firewood?
The monument proclamation provides access by members of Indian tribes for traditional cultural uses, including "collection of medicines, berries and other vegetation, forest products, and firewood."
Will motorized and off-road vehicles be permitted in the monument?
The management plan will designate roads and trails where motorized and non-motorized vehicles will be allowed.
Will hunting be allowed in the monument?
The state of Utah will still have jurisdiction over hunting and other fish and wildlife management in the area.
Will ranchers still be able to graze their herds in the monument?
The BLM will continue to issue and administer grazing permits for the land it administers.