This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Nine women were honored as part of the fourth annual Utah Women's Leadership event at the Sundance Film Festival.
Zions Bank President and CEO Scott Anderson presented the awards at the Thursday lunch in Park City.
Among the honorees were actor Sanaa Lathan, from the upcoming Fox series "Shots Fired," which premiered at this year's festival, as well as movies such as "Now You See Me 2" and "Love & Basketball."
As part of the event, director Amanda Lipitz introduced "Step," her Sundance documentary about teens trying out for a dance team at the Baltimore Leadership School for Young Women charter school. This week, Variety critic Geoff Berkshire termed the girl-power documentary " 'Hoop Dreams' for the social-media generation," and industry press announced that it had been purchased for more than $4 million by Fox Searchlight.
Other honorees included:
Amy Rees Anderson • Managing partner and founder of Rees Capital.
Pat Frobes • Lead director of the board of directors of Zions Bancorporation.
Erika George • Samuel D. Thurman Endowed Chair at the University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law.
Deneece Huftalin • President of Salt Lake Community College.
Julie Mack • Sundance's environmental spokesperson.
Pat Mitchell • Sundance Board of Trustees chair and PBS' first woman president and CEO.
Jennifer Napier-Pearce • Editor of The Salt Lake Tribune.
Lori Otter • Idaho first lady and CEO of Idaho Women in Leadership.
Vicki Varela • Managing director of the Utah Office of Tourism, Film and Global Branding.
Ellen Fagg Weist