This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
It seems that men have a lot of worries about women and their health and reproductive rights. Shouldn't we women be equally as worried about men's health and reproductive rights?
Why are we not regulating the location and clinic size that perform prostate exams? Shouldn't we require that men pay more for health insurance just in case they get someone pregnant? What about Viagra? Shouldn't we require that a man get a vasectomy before they get a prescription for Viagra if they are of a certain age, say 40 or older? Shouldn't we deny any use of testosterone for age-related health issues since loss of testosterone is a normal progression of aging? And, just maybe, men should incur some sort of tax or fine if they impregnate an underage woman. Just saying. Isn't it time that women get a chance to regulate men's health and reproductive rights?
Martha Gerard
Salt Lake City