This is an archived article that was published on in 2010, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Totally different coaching staff, entirely same result.

Just days after firing head coach Ernesto Purnsley and replacing him with former defensive coordinator Ron James, the Utah Blaze could not end their losing ways Friday, losing 75-39 on the road against the Cleveland Gladiators in front of 7,751 fans at Quicken Loans Arena.

The Blaze dropped to 1-7 this AFL season.

Utah got within 40-27 with 3 minutes, 12 seconds left in the third quarter, but fumbled on its next two possessions.

The Blaze committed six turnovers in the game.

"We hurt ourselves badly with turnovers and gave them too many opportunities," said James. "The team is still learning the new system, but we are looking forward to pulling it together next week at home."

Brandon Hampton led the Blaze's defensive effort by returning an interception 52 yards for a score.