This is an archived article that was published on in 2010, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Whole Foods Market launched a new color-coded rating program today that helps consumers understand the environmental impact of the wild-caught seafood they buy. According to a story from the Associated Press, the Texas-based company is the first national retailer to display such ratings.
Seafood will now be given a green, yellow or red rating. Here's a look at how some of the current fish rate:
Green Relatively abundant and is caught in environmentally friendly ways.
Pacific cod from Alaska
Pacific halibut
Sablefish or black cod from Alaska or British Columbia
Yellow Some concerns exist with the species' status or the methods by which it was caught.
Snow crab
Mahi mahi in the U.S.
Shrimp from the U.S. and Canada
Sablefish or Black cod from California, Oregon and Washington
Red Species is suffering from overfishing, or the methods used to catch it harm other marine life or habitats.
Atlantic sole, flounder or halibut
Red snapper