This is an archived article that was published on in 2010, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Unless the state's bidding procedures say that, win or lose, bidders will be reimbursed their costs, in what parallel universe does Gov. Gary Herbert think it's OK that the state paid $13 million in a confidential settlement to a losing bidder in an Interstate 15 construction bid? ("State paid $13M to settle complaint over I-15 deal," Tribune, Sept. 14.)
If "honesty" and "integrity" are words by which Herbert wants to be measured, he should be more forthcoming about his campaign contributions and the awarding of state contracts, rather than suggesting that his opponent is turning to a negative campaign. It seems fair to ask why any $13 million state payment is ever subject to a confidentiality agreement.
Utah's citizens deserve transparency and integrity in their government, and not only when the Legislature or governor decide it's good for them.
Herbert complains that Democratic gubernatorial candidate Peter Corroon's quest for transparency and truth is negative campaigning. If that's true, what is it when Herbert attacks Corroon for sending his kids to Catholic school and suggests that Corroon's education plan is an attack on LDS seminary? It may be politics, but let's all play by the same rules, governor.
Josh Kanter