This is an archived article that was published on in 2010, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Kraft has released a number of new printable coupons, each worth $1 off products such as Planters nuts, Kraft salad dressing, Kraft low-fat cheese (made with 2% milk) and Oscar Mayer deli meat. Go here to print the coupons. Note: You do have to register with Kraft to be able to print these offers, but it's fairly easy and quick to do so. You can print two of each coupon. Remember, Internet coupons aren't always available very long, so if you want these, you may want to print them now.

The Planters coupon is good "on any one product," which means you could use it on a smaller package of nuts, including the ones near the checkout lines of Walmart and other stores that are priced around $1 or less. If you shop at Target, the salad dressing coupon can be "stacked" with a printable Target store coupon from here that's worth 50 cents off, for a total of $1.50 off per bottle.
