This is an archived article that was published on in 2010, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
A woman has sued LDS Family Services for not taking action against a therapist she said convinced her that having sex with him would help her overcome a history of sexual abuse and the "demons" inside her.
Therapist William Chadwick Holbrook met with Vickie Jacobsen for years seeing her several times a week, calling her in for sessions when other clients canceled, frequently calling her in the middle of the night, and inviting her to stay at his home and diagnosed her with having multiple personalities before telling her that God wanted them to have sex, according to a lawsuit filed earlier this month in Ogden's 2nd District Court.
"Holbrook told [Jacobsen] that he had prayed in the van of his garage whether or not it was appropriate to have sex with her," according to the suit. "Holbrook told Plaintiff that he received an answer from God that they should have a sexual relationship. He further explained that being intimate would help her with her emotional problems."
The two began the sexual relationship in March 2004, the lawsuit states. The first sexual encounter took place in Holbrook's house and they later had sex in motels in Logan, Salt Lake City and Clearfield, at an Ogden campground and at Holbrook's mother's house, the lawsuit states.
LDS Family Services officials placed Holbrook, 45, on administrative leave in January 2005 after learning of the sexual relationship, the lawsuit states.
But the lawsuit alleges they did not provide enough supervision over Holbrook while he was employed as a therapist there and failed to properly follow up on reports from the woman's family that Holbrook had been acting unprofessionally toward her.
LDS Family Services also failed to investigate allegations of professional misconduct by Holbrook at another Weber County facility, where he had been terminated for violating policy, including telling a patient that he did not have schizophrenia but instead "had evil demons in him and needed to raise his arm to God," the lawsuit states.
After Holbrook told Jacobsen he would not leave his wife for her as they had discussed, the woman attempted suicide and is now a ward of the state, according to the lawsuit.
The lawsuit states Holbrook admitted to the Department of Professional Licensing that he had a sexual relationship with Jacobsen.
Holbrook, who surrendered his license after the allegations surfaced, has been named as a defendant in a 2005 case stemming from the same allegations.
LDS Family Services officials did not respond to requests for comment last week. Holbrook declined to comment on the allegations.
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