This is an archived article that was published on in 2010, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
The Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance launched a new media campaign Tuesday and said it will spend $2 million during the next four years to try to inform the public about the value of protecting Utah lands.
"The end goal is to provide permanent protection to the redrock, and we think the key to that is building Utah support so Utah politicians will also support Utah wilderness," said SUWA executive director Scott Groene.
The organization will run a series of television ads and will also have advertising online and on billboards, he said.
Groene said Utahns have become increasingly supportive of efforts to protect Utah's redrock wilderness and are even more favorable when they understand wilderness areas are not off-limits to family recreation.
"The campaign is designed to educate and provide information to Utahns, and we have the faith that with the right information in the right hands their support will deepen and broaden," Groene said.
Robert Gehrke