This is an archived article that was published on in 2010, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The November sweeps are over, and the winner of the local late-news ratings war is — well, it depends on who's doing the counting.

KSL-Channel 5 issued a news release claiming a victory at 10 p.m. On the other hand, KUTV-Channel 2 claims a photo finish and is awaiting clarification when more complete numbers are released next week.

What's not in dispute is that based on full-day ratings, the No. 1 news station in town is Channel 2. KUTV won clear victories in the morning and at 5 p.m., and a narrow victory at 6 p.m.

KSL won a narrow victory at noon and trailed in other time slots — except for the late news, where Channel 5 is claiming a 10.6 rating to a 10.1 for Channel 2 at 10 p.m.

Channel 2, on the other hand, reports the Monday-Friday numbers in a virtual tie — a 10.3 rating and 19 share for KUTV to a 10.3/18 for KSL.

A rating point represents 1 percent of the 944,060 that A.C. Nielsen estimates are in the Salt Lake television market. A share point equals 1 percent of the homes where someone is watching TV at a particular time.

Each station excluded a night during the November sweeps, which began Oct. 27 and ended Nov. 24: KUTV excluded election night (Nov. 2); KSL excluded Nov. 24.

The late-news winner won't be decided until the live-plus-seven ratings — which counts both same-day viewing and DVR playback for the week after a show is broadcast.

Preliminary numbers show KSTU-Channel 13's p.m. news in third place, with about a 6.0 rating and 10 share.

KTVX-Channel 4 continues to trail at 10 p.m., with about a 4.0/7. And the 9 p.m. newscast that KTVX produced for its sister station, KUWB-Channel 30, barely registered in the ratings. It posted a 0.5 rating and 1 share.