This is an archived article that was published on in 2010, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

A movie filmed in Utah has become the subject of a lawsuit, with one production company claiming another has cut it out of the picture.

Incentive Films claims in its lawsuit it had an agreement to share in the production and distribution of the film "Age of the Dragons." The movie, whose cast includes actor Danny Glover, was earlier titled "Dragon Fire" and was filmed in Utah County.

But Incentive says the Park City-based production company, Koan Inc., has unilaterally made business decisions in an effort to exclude Incentive from money owed and future proceeds.

Koan's president, Gil Aglaure, on Thursday night said the lawsuit should not impact the movie's release sometime in 2011.

"Really, it's a squabble between two co-producers," Aglaure said.

The lawsuit was filed Wednesday in state court in Salt Lake City.

Among the money Incentive said it was to receive was $25,000 upon the picture receiving financing, and 5 percent of gross revenues generated through distribution. Koan is the primary defendant in the lawsuit, but Incentive's complaint frequently discusses Aglaure. Incentive accuses Koan and Aglaure of hiding assets and calls Aglaure and Koan "the alter ego of each other."

"Age of the Dragons" is based on the Herman Melville novel "Moby Dick." The movie was offered up to $262,832 in incentives from the state of Utah.