This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Luke Matheny not only won an Oscar for his live-action short film, "God of Love," but he's a contender for the best acceptance speech.
"I should have gotten a haircut," the big-haired Matheny said when he took the Kodak Theatre stage.
He made a pitch for his category: "I invite the world to see these short films. You're going to love them."
He thanked his mother, "who did craft services for the film." And he finished, romantically, by calling out his girlfriend: "Sasha Gordon, you're my dream come true."By the way, "God of Love" was submitted to both the Sundance and Slamdance film festivals, and was rejected by both.